How Long Will the Real Estate Boom Last... This Time?

Media reports and some experts suggest that the real estate industry is again becoming a bubble that may burst.

How true is this? Let’s look at the facts:

>>> How Long Will the Real Estate Boom Last… This Time?

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In many states like Bangalore & Telangana real state is doing real good, As their is too good scope for commercial real estates. You can also check some more related real estate consultants and confirm the state of business in a particular place. Check these kind of commercial real estate consultants too.

Perhaps Sam Zell, the Chicago Billionaire Real Estare Investor, is correct. Watched recent interview with Mr Zell in which he said he though “bubbler Burst” was coming" said Inventory was too high and houses were not selling. Both items confirmed in today’s news. Housing sales down 11.4 perent. , inventory at 280, xxx is highest in 8 years.