Wholesaling tried or contested in courts ?

Hello, can anyone tell me if Wholesaling in real estate ever been tried or contested in courts by brokers/realtors ? thank you

[QUOTE=Mrrwep;890405]Hello, can anyone tell me if Wholesaling in real estate ever been tried or contested in courts by brokers/realtors ? thank you[/QUOTE]

Brokers/Realtors wouldn’t waste the money. What are they going to sue for, they can’t prove damages in most cases unless the wholesaler interfered with a contract or some such thing. They could complain to the state agency if they thought the wholesaler was doing something that required a license because they are the ones to pursue this type of matter.

Now I know some investors have been told to cease and desist because of the way the investor was operating. They allowed themselves to cross over to agency status by the doctrine of implied agency at some point instead of being just a principle only in the deal. But as long as you stay a principle only in the deal I don’t see any problems.