What to do?

I have a part-time job where I come in contact with property/property info that is or soon will be distressed, in some way. I actually deliver notices to these properties, some of which are abandoned, occupied-foreclosure, occupied-bankruptcy or soon to turn into one of the three. There must be a way to utilize this info in a more advantageous and financially rewarding way. I presently deal with about 8-10 zip codes in Southeast Georgia, but have access to info covering probably 70-80 more zipcodes. This equates to easily 1000 - 1200 properties. Any guidance or advice will be appreciated.


My advice is to be VERY careful with the information…BEFORE it becomes public you can cause yourself and anyone involved with you lots of potential problems with PRIVACY in today’s VERY LITIGOUS world.

Lots of lending institution employees face this on a daily basis.

If it is not public informtion yet, best bet is “What you see here, What you do here, When you leave here, Let it STAY here.”