Contractor Problem PA - Posted by AC

Posted by M on November 17, 2006 at 12:23:41:

(1) Take pictures of the property now for comparison so that if vandalism occurs, you have proof of the original condition of the house. But note that proving the contractor causes the damage could be a challenge. The pictures would help you if a case came up since small claims court uses the “preponderance of evidence” with the situation to derive a ruling.
(2) Visit your local District Attorney and find out if other complaints against him have taken place. While you’re there, ask the DA (or their assistants) what can be done in this situation. After all, it won’t be the first time they’ve heard of this kind of activity. Perhaps this guy has a track record, as you suggested.


Contractor Problem PA - Posted by AC

Posted by AC on November 17, 2006 at 06:23:43:

Had a contract with a contractor to paint house and put in a new front door for a rental of mine. I’d used him before with no problems. Gave him a deposit of $500 to get started(mistake)! Gave him 3 weeks to get it done. No action. Extended a bit more. No action. I sent him a letter stating it was too late in the fall to paint and I had lost creditability with my renter about putting in the front door. I wrote that I wanted my deposit back. Had the door put in by another contractor. Now, he won’t give back the deposit. Supposedly, he doesn’t have the money. He has lied several times already. You know the drill “I’ll have it next Tuesday, etc, etc.” Never has it because of some other excuse
What exactly can I do? I have a sense he has done this a lot before and is confident he can get away with it.
Last problem. The guy lives next door to my rental property. If I take him to small claims, I’m kind of wondering if things will start to get vandalized at my property.
Any ideas, experiences would help.
