404 - File Not Found - Posted by Gordon

Posted by Eric (MI) on May 01, 2007 at 11:01:32:

Some are gone forever but I have found that sometimes you will find another link to the same thing further in the search results. I was curious about the same thing with a lot of Brent_IL old posts that seem to be gone as well.

404 - File Not Found - Posted by Gordon

Posted by Gordon on May 01, 2007 at 10:56:03:

It appears that some of the archives have gone missing? I’ve done searches and found posts I would like to read but then I get the message:

404 - File Not Found
You have requested a creonline.com page that does not exist. It’s likely the page you want has been moved to a new location because of our recent redesign.
Use our “Site Search” to find what you’re looking for.

When I go to the home page and try the “Site Search” I get another 404 message. So are these missing posts gone forever or are they hidden somewhere that I just can’t figure out how to access?