Ads in smaller papers? - Posted by Tim

Posted by Bob In Indy on November 30, 2000 at 10:51:23:

I also live near a large city (guess which one)! When I advertised in the city newspaper, I got more calls, but they were for homes all over the place. Even when I specified that my ad be run only in the northern section of the ads, I still got calls for homes located outside my area of interest.

However, I did get lots of calls.

When I advertise to BUY homes in the local suburban papers, I get very few calls. To the point that now I only advertise in the local papers when I SELLING homes.

Try the big papers and I think you’ll be surprised that you will still get lots of calls even if you’re the 15th ad. Also, you may try to distinguish your ad with a different border, etc. However, I found that some people are going to call every ad until the get to talk with a real voice.

Good luck

Ads in smaller papers? - Posted by Tim

Posted by Tim on November 30, 2000 at 09:08:00:

Hello there fellow real estate junkies! I’ve been wondering…I live very close to a major market city, and there are always atleast a half dozen or so “I buy houses” ads in the city’s major newspaper. I’m getting ready to run my very first ad, but was curious as to if there’s anyone out there that has had success with the smaller (not as circulated) newspapers? Thanks to all that took the time to read this, and best wishes to everyone & their real estate endeavors.
