Apprentice - Posted by Peter

Posted by E.Eka on September 09, 2004 at 19:40:31:

That’s because no one wants to see the educational version of the apprentice. Pretty boring.

Apprentice - Posted by Peter

Posted by Peter on September 09, 2004 at 13:16:52:

The new season for the tv show Apprentice is approching, since Donald Trump is one our country’s greatest business men,I have often wondered why are those people being taught to be an(apprentice,employee,peon-slave) Why aren’t they being taught to acquire the incentive to be their own boss, to work for themselves, instead of becoming peon-slaves, why aren’t they being taught to copy Mr. Trump, to be like him and be their own boss, instead of wanting to work for someone else. Anyone care to elaborate?

Kwame signs $3,000,000,000 real estate deal. - Posted by Drew

Posted by Drew on September 10, 2004 at 21:14:16:

That’s three Billion dollars. Billion, with a b.

Re: Apprentice - Posted by Mike in NY

Posted by Mike in NY on September 10, 2004 at 12:00:16:

In a word: contacts. Last week I read Bill Rancic’s book “You’re Hired” over a lunch break. The networking benefits of the Apprentice are quickly apparent in this book. Prior to the Apprentice Bill had been getting in to small real estate rehabs/developments. Now he is working on one of the largest developments in teh country. Along with this priceless experience comes contact with some of best contractors and developers in the country. People he otherwise most likely wouldn’t have met. PLus he is getting paid for it. If he is smart about it this will be the best education he can possibly get!
Even those that were fired still got many of these same benefits as they are all ambitious people waiting for their 15 minutes to capitalize on.

Because… it is just a TV show - Posted by Jack

Posted by Jack on September 09, 2004 at 18:26:22:


Benefactor not Apprentice - Posted by Darren

Posted by Darren on September 09, 2004 at 17:25:06:

I think I am going to check out the Benefactor. Mark Cuban was on the Dan Patrick show today. He said if he were Donald Trumps room mate and the Donald disconnected the cable, he’d kick his a$$. His show sounds much more interesting than a bunch of Trump wannabes pitching lemonade.

When does it start, time & channel? - Posted by inwoodbee

Posted by inwoodbee on September 09, 2004 at 16:40:10:

I missed it the first time around. I would like to see the show this season.

Re: Apprentice - Posted by Mike G

Posted by Mike G on September 09, 2004 at 15:48:10:

I would argue that they are in fact being taught to work for themselves. The definition of an apprentice is: one who works for an expert to learn a trade. Note it says “to learn a trade” not “to make money.” These people are not working for money (like most employees), they’re working to learn (like all entrepreneurs). Wouldn’t you give up a yr to have that kind of exposure to one of the country’s greatest developers (esp since you’re getting paid for that education)???

Re: Apprentice - Posted by E.Eka

Posted by E.Eka on September 09, 2004 at 13:33:59:

  1. Rich and wealthy people get smart people to help or run their businesses for them. Donald’s not the smartest guy ever. But it doesn’t matter, he knows well enough to get good people in good areas to help him. Also, he pays them well enough that they won’t consider going elsewhere.

  2. You can’t teach people to be entrepreneurial. You think you can but you can’t. Why do you think Carlton Sheets sells 750,000 “No Money Down” Courses at $170 a pop, every year? Because everyone thinks that they can learn to be independent and think from an entrepreneurial sense. A huge majority of those people quit because it’s too difficult etc. The successful people not only have the drive, but have the unique ability to be their own boss. Going on a TV is not going to make you an entrpreneur.

  3. Getting on the show gets you a lot more opportunity than if you were a schlep like the rest of us.

  4. THe experience that the winner gets is unparallel. Bill gets to manage the construction one of the biggest buildings on the New York Skyline. You can’t get that from a book, a course or wishful thinking. He can use that experience to launch his own enterprises. (He already started his own company-a cigar retailer)

Re: Kwame signs $3,000,000,000 real estate deal. - Posted by Valerie S.Webb

Posted by Valerie S.Webb on September 15, 2004 at 10:42:51:

Please send me details of the venue. I am very
interested in this opportunity.

Re: When does it start, time & channel? - Posted by kwack41

Posted by kwack41 on September 09, 2004 at 18:41:36:

I just looked it up and it starts this evening on NBC

the listing says 8:30ET but I suggest you check the directory.

Re: When does it start, time & channel? - Posted by Peter

Posted by Peter on September 09, 2004 at 17:18:39:

I don’t know, I have only watched one episode, and didn’t like the show. I would like it better if it were designed for educational purposes instead of for entertaiment.

Re: Apprentice - Posted by Peter

Posted by Peter on September 09, 2004 at 16:37:00:

In that case I would say it was acceptable.

Re: Apprentice - Posted by Bob

Posted by Bob on September 09, 2004 at 14:44:09:

I agree with you E. Eka. There are 2 types of people in this world–those who will be their own boss and those who won’t. But, even those that do eventually become their own boss, learn their skills from another boss. Take Donald Trump, sure, now he’s his own boss but out of college he worked for 5 years as his dad’s apprentice. For those of you who don’t know, his dad was also a brilliant real estate developer, but on a different plane. He built housing, mostly with the help of gov’t grants and the like. His net worth was somewhere around $300 million. I even read one line that said at one point he had 20,000 units! Imagine that.

Anyway, I digress, Donald was his dad’s “lackey” for 5 years. He learned how to build (mostly houses and small complexes). He learned how to deal with contractors. He made excellent contacts. The basics, if you will. He then took this knowledge and ran…

The difference between Donald and Fred (his dad) was that Donald was more determined to be famous than just plain old “rich”. Hence, his parlay into Manhattan real estate. Why? Because this is where the fun was at.

There are many developers in NYC but, nobody knows them. This is the main reason why Trump can charge such outrageous prices for his properties.

Anyway, I digress (yet again), my point is this…the “apprentice” will get to work for 1 year (min.) under one of the truly great real estate developers of our time. They can then take this knowledge and run with it. A true “Apprentice” shouldn’t be concerned with the measley $250k per year that they are being paid. The knowlege, experience, and contacts (for the right person) should be worth 100’s times that.

Sorry if there’s any spelling errors. I’m in a hurry. I’m trying to get my work done so I can watch “The Apprentice.”

Good Luck in your investing.

Re: Apprentice - Posted by Peter

Posted by Peter on September 09, 2004 at 13:48:18:

Thats an excellent reply, but I think no one on the show should be fired, instead they should all be independent contractors, instead of apprentices, this way wealthy people can give back.

Re: When does it start, time & channel? - Posted by E.Eka

Posted by E.Eka on September 09, 2004 at 17:37:59:

Then watch PBS. If there’s no entertainment factor, it would never make it to TV. Nothing’s free. THey have to pay trump and the rest of the people, which means they have to sell ad spots.

Re: Apprentice - Posted by E.Eka

Posted by E.Eka on September 09, 2004 at 15:37:58:

Why should wealthy people give back? They aren’t entitled to. THe wealthy worked hard for their money. They are under no obligation to give back. Besides, majority of the people on the show have very good jobs and/or good education.

Re: Apprentice - Posted by gymshoe (WA)

Posted by gymshoe (WA) on September 09, 2004 at 15:20:27:

You missed one detail here…if that was the case, the show would not be entertaning for all the rest of us to watch, …thus we wouldn’t watch it, thus NBC wouldn’t get their big advertising dollars and thus there would be no show and no opportunities for people to learn from a master. People have to get fired…cause that’s what’s entertaining…trump is a genius …make it big in real estate and building businesses…and then make it bigger in the other big cash cow… entertainment!

Re: Apprentice - Posted by Peter

Posted by Peter on September 09, 2004 at 17:10:59:

You are right, I too am in favor of anyone making big bucks, that makes our free enterprise and capitalistic system stronger,but not everyone finds the program entertaining, perhaps there should be two programs, one for entertainment, and one solely for teaching, as an educational documentary, where no one gets fired with all being equal, the tv media,should be used for more educational purposes,vs entertainment purposes. An apprentice program for educational purposes instead of entertainment, would be more interesting to some tv fans.

Re: Apprentice - Posted by gymshoe (WA)

Posted by gymshoe (WA) on September 09, 2004 at 17:59:43:

We do have such things…it’s called Public Access TV…or PBS in my neck of the woods