Attracting L\O - Posted by Chris

Posted by Susan on December 15, 1998 at 02:49:05:

Scott, I’ve read everything on the Internet about Claude Diamond and like what he has to say. Have you been mentored by him? Where do you recommend I begin?

Attracting L\O - Posted by Chris

Posted by Chris on November 24, 1998 at 19:00:34:

I’m wondering what the best way to find the L/O deals is?
I was thinking of running an ad, but I don’t know what to say? I’m taking Legrands advice in not doing any fixer upper deals my first year and concentrating on paying my bills for the year and then start building an empire. So I don’t think I can put in my ad “I buy houses any price any condition”, because that just isn’t true. Any suggestions on what to say in my ad?

Run the ad . . . - Posted by Joe Kaiser

Posted by Joe Kaiser on November 25, 1998 at 10:50:50:


Yes, you can run the “I buy houses - any price - any condition” ad truthfully. That’s a good place to get started.

You have to understand though, that you are a conduit for deals and you personally don’t buy every deal presented to you. Instead, you negotiate the deal and pass it on to another investor who happily pays you for finding the thing in the first place. He’s the fix up guy who does that sort of thing for a living. You’re the deal maker guy . . . big difference.

Whatever you decide to do, figure out a way to get that phone ringing. For me, tired landlords is the best place to work lease option deals.

Joe Kaiser

Re: Attracting L\O - Posted by Scott

Posted by Scott on November 25, 1998 at 07:46:32:

The best person you can go to for advice on L/O’s
is Claude Diamond, he is a L/O expert and can help you with you advertising problem & your investing business. If I can help feel free to e-mail me. Check out his website I hope this info will help. Good Luck!

Re: Run the ad . . . - Posted by Chris

Posted by Chris on November 25, 1998 at 12:08:10:

Thank you for the information, I never thought of it that way. I’ll start the ad and start looking for the “tired landlords”. Also I want to say that your how to articles on this website are great.
Chris Rock