But I want to "help" you! - Posted by Jack

Nice post! - Posted by Eric C

Posted by Eric C on July 19, 2003 at 22:42:01:

Hi JT -

Thinking for living can pay very well indeed. Too bad so few seem willing to do it.

Great post.

Take care,

Eric C

Re: But I want to “help” you! - Posted by Heather_Tx

Posted by Heather_Tx on July 21, 2003 at 24:48:21:

More like Realism, just seems pesimistic sometimes. But I’d rather hear Realism anyday over the sugarcoated. We hear enough of that as it is. LOL


Boiling a Bull Frog… - Posted by JT-IN

Posted by JT-IN on July 20, 2003 at 21:27:45:


You are at a distinct disadvantage, when talking on the telephone. When I stand in front of them, it is difficult for them to hang up on me…

Even when meeting in person, I try not to get into the “ISSUES” until rapport is built, they like and trust me, and I can see that we are going to do business… Of course, I have crossed the line too soon myslef a few times, and you end up calling it a day sooner than you should have had to… This is a learned and human trait… knowing when and when not to spill the beans…

Once you progress to a point where you are moving ahead nicely, building that trust and rapport… instead of making a statement of fact… e.g. There is a Lien on the property from ABC… blah, blah… You could simply ask an easy question… Mrs. Jones, to the best of your knowledge, are there any liens on the property…? Selling: aka controlling the conversation, is nothing more than asking a series of questions, most of which you already know the answer to, which will lead your client along to the point to which you get them to agree to move ahead in the manner that you desire… All this takes place w/o this party knowing or sensing how you are orchestrating the conversation…

Now if Mrs. Jones tells you a little mistruth, don’t panic, you just revisit that portion a little later in the series of questions… Bottom line is this… If I can still see a way to accomplish this deal, regardless of the lien, then I will let the Atty be the bearer of bad news… even though I knew it all along. Now if I know the deal won’t fly with the lien, meaning there is not enough equity to pay it off, then I may not go that route as far as the Atty discovering the lien, etc… It may need to be unearthed… prior to that point. Nothing wrong with writing up a deal, that you may know full well there is a lien or problem with, and you don’t sense that this conversation is the one to delve into the details on. Many times if you can get small committments, it is much easier to get larger ones later… So I will take what I can get at times, then after we have moved so far, then it is easier to cover more difficult territory later…

An old RE sales trainer used to compare selling, asking questions, controlling the conversation… to BOILING A BULLFROG. As he used to say, if you throw a BF into a boiling pot of water, what does he do…? He jumps out. If you want to boil a BF, you must first get him into the water… nice cool water; (non-threatening). Then when the BF relaxes a bit, you turn up the heat a small measure… The water warms slowly, the BF becomes more relaxed, get drowsey, as you turn up the heat higher and higher… until the BF succomes to utter relaxation… Then you turn the control to Hi… and that is how you boil a BF…

Credits to Roger Butcher, master sales trainer… I have thoght about that BF story many times as I wanted to blurt out some FACTS that I know, when talking to a prospect… Instead, I know if I do, they will jump right out of the pan, and I’ll have NO BF… Hopefully you can implement the technique of how to boil a BF with your RE prospects on the telelphone… and them into dinner a little more often.