CRE Online Newsletter is ready...

If you didn’t receive the CRE Online Newsletter in your
email today, you can subscribe for free here:

We’ve put together a great update, including a new blog
article, a new book “hot of the press,” and a new
Money-Making Idea to help you save money.

Read the current issue of the “CRE Online Newsletter”
by going to:

NEW Blog Article

“Are You Ready to Create Cash Flow Now?”

 Great insight on how you can safely create income
 streams from today's real estate opportunities.
 Multiple streams of income means more cash flow.

Hot off the Press

“Cash Flow Now”

 Jim Ingersoll is a friend and frequent CRE Online
 blog contributor. We are proud to announce his new
 book "Cash Flow Now" is available at

For 11 bucks, It's a steal! Get your copy today:

     [URL=""]Cash Flow Now: How To Create Multiple
         Streams of Real Estate Income

FREE CRE Online Investor Consultation

 For a limited time, I'm making my team available
 for a one-on-one real estate strategy session with

 Discover how to make more money with real estate,
 make fast cash in today's market, and create
 long-term financial security.

      ==> <==

NEW Money-Making Idea

“Rentals: How to Cut Your Maintenance Costs by 25%”

 Current market conditions have made investing in
 long-term rental property more appealing than
 ever. If you plan to "buy" and "hold," here are
 some great tips on keeping your property
 maintenance costs as low as possible.

CRE Online Visitor Survey

 Here's your chance to tell us what kind of content
 and resources you'd like to see at CRE
 Help us give you exactly what you want and need.

Just go here to cast your vote ==> Take the Survey

 Plus, you get a coupon for a 15% Discount off
 EVERYthing in our Online Store for participating.

So take a break, relax, and enjoy the tips, tools, and
profit-making information in this issue of the
CRE Online Newsletter:


JP Vaughan, Publisher
Creative Real Estate Online

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