credit, score and OT:about your wwwboard setup - Posted by Steve

Posted by Ed Garcia on February 02, 2001 at 03:01:51:


The credit goes to Terry Vaughan. He and J.P. have come along way with this site.

Ed Garcia

credit, score and OT:about your wwwboard setup - Posted by Steve

Posted by Steve on February 01, 2001 at 22:08:51:


Thanks for your reply, about 10 days ago re: credit and the point score system. I am watching Equifax site and others for when they announce availability of you being able to obtain your credit score as well as credit report.

Off topic: Whoset up your implementation of this message board? I run a board for an organization using the same wwwboard script from matt Wright and would love to implement the featurs you have, like auto-email response when a follow-up is posted. Did Dbasics do it for you?
Thanks again and when I get my score and the deal maybe we can do business together.