ED & INVESTORS - Posted by Allen

Posted by Ed Garcia on January 26, 2001 at 09:51:47:


The answer is YES, if you could find a buyer, you could do as you’ve suggested.

However, I think what could be done, and would be more beneficial to you, would be for you to do a HYPOTHECATION. In another words, borrow against each property getting your original investment back. In the event you have to allow the original homeowner to retrieve their property, you can at least benefit from the yield differential between what the homeowner paid you and you paid the bank. It would give you the best of both worlds. I think with a little effort, you could find a bank or local portfolio lender to participate with you.

You don’t tell us what state you’re in, but I might even be a buyer. Keep us informed.

Ed Garcia

ED & INVESTORS - Posted by Allen

Posted by Allen on January 25, 2001 at 22:38:07:

If I found good deals on Tax Lien Certificates and lets say Im getting 20% interest (+ penalties) on the lien over a 1 to 2 year period, and if the party doesn’t pay I get the house & property, would that lien be easy to flip? Im thinking that maybe I could buy tax liens and if Im getting 20% interest (plus penalties) from the government over 2 years, I could sell it quick for a 10% quick profit?? Would note buyers and investors buy these type of guaranteed government investments from me so that I could make the quick 10% profit short term?