Filling vacancies - Posted by Philip

Posted by Dirk Roach on April 25, 2000 at 12:07:09:

Why not, set up a “Model Home” with a dealer, in your park? You give them discounted space rent on that particular home, and let them market and sell their new homes from this one. I am sure that they would love to have a park, with a bunch of empty spaces in it to fill, as this is a problem for new dealers in every market. They train the sales people how to sell, but usually it’s a street fight as to where to put the new homes that they sell.
If you fill your park up with new homes, it will increase it’s value and make it (the park) a more sellable item.
just a couple thoughts, hope this helps,

Filling vacancies - Posted by Philip

Posted by Philip on April 25, 2000 at 11:06:41:

I’m would like to hear any ideas from owners/operators about working with Dealers to help fill up a park. I’ve been buying older homes (cash) and reselling with owner financing. Have found this to be slow. (Buy used home from dealer, set home, fixup/hookup for resale, find buyer, run credit etc., resell home, season the paper, then market paper w/o land). Great cash flow from the homes, but a really slow way to fill a park. Am currently offering salespeople a $500 bonus per unit for a “set”. Any ideas on how to speed this along? Or any ideas on where to go for discussions would be appreciated. Thanks Ernest T. and Lonnie. I have both their materials.