finding and listing notes - Posted by Glen

Posted by Annika on July 24, 2003 at 15:35:31:

It was ANN that first introduced me to the note business, but like you, I didn’t have any money to buy the course. At least, I didn’t have money I wanted to risk on something I wasn’t sure about yet. But I found that there is all sorts of free information out there. Try doing your own search, or check out for a free internet course, for more articles, use this forum and the ones on the other sites I mentioned to ask questions. ANN even has a free message board. You’ll find there are lots of people out there who are willing to answer your questions at no cost.

finding and listing notes - Posted by Glen

Posted by Glen on July 24, 2003 at 12:00:22:

I have seen Mr. Dalby’s course on TV MANY times and seen 3 or 4 people on there that have found and posted notes on his website without owning his course. My question is as follows; HOW and WHERE do you find these notes?? I need to know HOW to do this so I can post 1or2 in order to make enough money to BUY the course!! Please HELP!!