First deal - Help? - Posted by Brian

Posted by Brian on February 14, 2002 at 17:10:41:

I have Lonnie’s book and have read it.
I have been trying to find the typical “Lonnie deal”, but instead have found deals like the one I described above.

I haven’t yet found the “motivated seller” I guess, so I am trying to put together some of these others looking and match them up the those selling.

First deal - Help? - Posted by Brian

Posted by Brian on February 11, 2002 at 20:02:26:

I have located an owner that is somewhat flexible on terms and located a buyer with $2,000 down (maybe more) and ability to pay $250/month. Lot rent is $245/month. Home is a 1979 model, but has a nice addition and is very well-kept and clean (retired owner moving in with her son).

My question is:

How do I put the two together?

I know at some point I purchase the home and sell it to the buyer, but how do I ensure that I don’t lose them both?

Anyone care to share experiences/offer suggestions/insight?

Re: First deal - Help? - Posted by GerryH VA

Posted by GerryH VA on February 14, 2002 at 08:54:39:

Lonnie’s book describes the do’s and dont’s for this. Have you read his book. It is worth a buy if you have not.

GerryH VA