Full time Army Cadet, Part-time flipper - Posted by burrell

Posted by Kristine-CA on July 20, 2003 at 18:34:01:

Cameron Burrell: My suggestion would be for you to do a lot of reading on this message board. A lot. Read the posts. Read the articles. Ask questions until you understand the ideas thoroughly. There are plenty of courses for sale here as well. And plenty of lower-cost books on the subject in bookstores and libraries.

It is unlikely that anyone is going to forward you anything very useful. It’s a do-it-yourself kind of business. The posters on this board are very generous with their experience and time. My experience here is that it s best to post specific questions about what you looking to learn/do.

Sincerely, Kristine

Full time Army Cadet, Part-time flipper - Posted by burrell

Posted by burrell on July 20, 2003 at 01:46:23:

For all you seasoned rei’s in America creatiing wealth for yourselves, forward INFO on FLIPPING PROPERTIES to this soon to be full-time college student returning back to school. Want to FLIP to generate CASH IMMEDIATELY for down payment on 2005 CORVETTE when I GRADUATE and get my COMMISSION. NOT JOKING. I don’t plan on applying for a job ever again after I finish my degree in Construction Management. Also, FORWARD info on REHAB’S. THAT WILL BE MY FULL TIME OCCUPATION until I start developing subdivisions. Thank you.


Re: Full time Army Cadet, Part-time flipper - Posted by eric-fl

Posted by eric-fl on July 21, 2003 at 14:31:09:

CADET BURRELL - FRONT AND CENTERRRRRR!!! NOW SEE HERE, CADET!!! I, too, was once a testosterone-overloaded college cadet who was GOING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD, HUUUUAAAHHH!!! And yet, my plans for world domination don’t seem to be panning out quite yet. Here is my suggestion: have a cup of decaf, and settle down. You will quickly find that the overbearing intensity of “Military Bearing” has little application or use in the civilian world. And you will have to deal with soft, lumpy civilians extensively in Real Estate. You would do well to heed Kristine’s advice below; read, learn, and then come back with an attitude of humility and display an eagerness to learn.

Recently, at my local REIA meeting, a (non-cadet) college student showed up and did just that. At the pitch session at the beginning of the meeting, he stood up and said he was pursuing a degree in architecture, and was looking for a mentor. He expressed that all he wanted was to shadow & learn. He indicated he was willing to pick up sandwiches, dry-cleaning, whatever it took for him to add value. Think he’ll have any takers? (I saw several people hand him business cards afterwards).

Where you go from here is up to you. Your attitude and approach will be a big part of what getting what you want out of life.