Funding for a MHP - Posted by Arlene

Posted by Ernest Tew on September 17, 2003 at 06:30:46:

Arlene, we have found that the best way to acquire a turn-around park is to find one or more passive investors to buy it and then enter into a net lease with an option to buy.

The lease gives us the right to take possession and operate the business as if we were the owner.

The option gives us the right to sell the property. When the option is held in a Roth IRA, all the gain can be tax-free. In the meantime, the Roth IRA can serve as a ‘safe haven’ in the event of a lawsuit.

If you would like to discuss this approach in more detail, give me a call at (352) 475-1280.

Funding for a MHP - Posted by Arlene

Posted by Arlene on September 12, 2003 at 19:35:55:

Hi, how can I find funding for a MHP. It is a rehab project. Old rentals need to be moved out and landscaping done. The vacancy rate is at 50% at this time.
