funding for rehabilitation - Posted by Jay

Posted by Cal, Balto on July 10, 2002 at 22:36:20:

Is this your primary residence, a property you plan to hold and rent or a property that you plan to fix up and sell? Makes a big difference on available programs.
Also what state are you in?

Cal, Balto.

funding for rehabilitation - Posted by Jay

Posted by Jay on July 10, 2002 at 16:45:42:

I jsut bought a house apprasied value is 300,000 and the loan amount is 236.000 just closed and it needs work. to make it look like new it needs a 46,000 and to fresh it up it needs about 20,000. i cant get funding since i own it less then a month does any one know,of a bank that does give without owning it for a while. and how i can get a home equity line of credit for 50,000 on it , how to bring up the appraised value somehow, or any other idea