Got a sweet deal today - Posted by Michaela-ATL

Re: Hate to burst your bubble, but … - Posted by Tom-FL

Posted by Tom-FL on October 06, 2003 at 22:27:24:

>> if you’re trying to decide who to pay when cash is tight, the IRS makes it pretty easy (financially) to deprioritize them.


Although I’m no tax expert, I’d always heard that a $15 tax bill turns into $26,836.92 in around two months, at which point your door is broken down in the middle of the night by jack-booted IRS thugs with machine guns, and you are handcuffed, staring down a gun barrel while they load all your belongings into a truck and tow away your vehicles and sell your children into slavery on the Hong Kong black market.

I don’t know, that’s just what I heard.
