Has anyone heard of Lou Vukas... - Posted by Victor

Posted by Victor on May 28, 2002 at 17:03:11:

Hey thanks buddy I really appreciate that Kerri! Guess I won’t be suckered inot that course…

Has anyone heard of Lou Vukas… - Posted by Victor

Posted by Victor on May 26, 2002 at 20:14:37:

Hello, just wanted to know if anyone has heard of this guy
Lou Vukas, he claims to have a rock solid course that sells
pretty cheap with some really unbelievable claims… Just
asking around before I fork over my cash on this course…
Thanks in advance,

Re: Has anyone heard of Lou Vukas… - Posted by Todd_OH

Posted by Todd_OH on May 27, 2002 at 08:29:32:


I posted the same question a few days ago. Never heard of the guy (and I know, have seen, or heard of most of the gurus who have been around awhile).

I received one of his pop-up banners on my computer within the last 2 weeks. I suspect he “lifted” my IP address from my posting info on this site.

In general I have no problem with receiving spam (since I have a delete key), but I was quite intrigued because I have never received a real estate related pop-up ad like that before…


Low Down on Lou Vukas… - Posted by Kerri

Posted by Kerri on May 28, 2002 at 14:29:40:

Oh you just opened up a can of worms for me - let me give you MY experience with the program…

Unfortunately, I did purchase Lou Vukas’ Zero Down Foreclosures Program, downloaded it and read it immediately. Shortly after putting it down, immediately sent my request for my money back. The program printed up came to a skimpy 80 pages, including forms that I would never use - so actual information was maybe 60 pages. NOTHING is explained in detail - he keeps writing “I went over this in Real Estate Uncovered so I won’t go into it again” However, not everyone who bought the program I did bought the first program he put out - but his withholding of information I’m sure, is a way to get you to purchase both. The entire program is triple spaced and in huge 16 point font - it seems he went out of his way to include as little info as possible and his confusing “jump around” way of writing will have your head spinning to boot. One pet peave I do have is numbers not adding up in examples - the text will state one set of numbers and his equation below will state others - it just leaves you asking “what the *^%&”??? And another pet peave is when someone is not professional enough to Spell check or proof read - he did NOT put much time into writing this course!!!

I’ve been studying CREI for some time now, I read the creonline board every chance I get and I’ve gone through William Bronchicks Flipping Properties. I find it funny that after doing so much studying, I could have written Lou’s program, thats how much detail is missing ;0)

Youre money is MUCH better spent on a program such as William Bronchicks “Flipping Properties” (which is amazing) It is available here in the course section, however if you truly can’t afford the price of the whole course right now - you can buy the book seperately from the course - which will still give you mounds of solid info to sink your teeth into for the time being and it only costs $18.95 - Search for it at Amazon.com or just go to your local Barnes and Noble - thats where I picked mine up - Beleive me, William is a much better investment then Lou Vukas!!!

I keep a list of all the books I have read to date on CREI and I make notes of which were great which were Ok and which just plain sucked ;0) If your interested I could email it to you…

Good luck - and SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!

Re: Low Down on Lou Vukas… - Posted by Jeff

Posted by Jeff on July 29, 2003 at 11:19:24:

Thanks for the info. I just received info from Lou V. and wondered who the heck he is!