HELP! Do it yourself offers and contracts - Posted by Roger

Posted by TC on July 02, 2002 at 24:07:43:

Hi Roger,
-In same situation at first however I parted from agents (became obstacles)
-Got copies of contracts (repeated what agents did on offers (plus a few bonuses thru creative R.E.)
-Offers came from responses thru Marketing strategies, (target troubled sellers, state who I am, want to help create SOLUTIONS for THEIR DISTRESS).
-Advertise as much as I can and afford,be CREATIVE/PAY ATTENTION to the areas.
-Network w/people that can be links/strengths to business (befriend R.E.Attorney, they’re your pie in sky -I’m member w/agency that faxes weekly pre-forclosure reports w/claim #'s filed by lenders,review cases,mail flyers.
BE PATIENT, have fun with it, hope this helps!

HELP! Do it yourself offers and contracts - Posted by Roger

Posted by Roger on July 01, 2002 at 22:48:31:

I am a newbie. I know I need to make 5 offers a week to reach my goal. Can someone please explain to me how to efficiently make an offer a day. Currently, every time my partner and I want to put an offer out on a house we have to ask our agent to prepare the contract then meet, then sign it, then wait for her to deliver it. This takes a whole day to arrange. Then we have to wait to hear back from the seller before we can put out another offer. With this system we have put out a measly 3 offers in one month. My real estate agent says this is how it goes but I know it’s not. Any suggestions on how you pro’s work your offering system?? Thanks for your help, Roger!!