I need callers NOW - Posted by Tom

Posted by Tom on March 21, 2002 at 11:04:53:

Hi Eric,
Thanks for the detailed reply. Some of those things are already in process. My car signs are done, I have a few thousand business cards done and about 500 “cash replica” flyers set to go. I’ve been doing the restaurant, laundramat, supermarket thing for a while now, and have had not much luck. That’s why I posted the message, since I took off two weeks to hit the ground running. I’m now calling the local paper to put in a houses wanted ad, and maybe will hit the local unemployment offices every morning with cards/flyers.

As an aside, just what is corruplast?

I need callers NOW - Posted by Tom

Posted by Tom on March 20, 2002 at 19:15:34:

Hi all,

I have the next next ten days off from my J.O.B. and I’d like to get a few deals in the pipeline immediately. In your scholarly opinions, what is the absolute best way to get motivated seller on my phone tomorrow. I can’t wait weeks or months for a strategy to bear fruit. I don’t need to close by next week, but as I said, get some deals in the pipline in the next few days. BTW, I’m in South Florida, if it means anything.

OK folks, gimme your best ideas!

Thanking you in advance. I’d rather not have to go back to the J.O.B. if at all possible, LOL.


Re: I need callers NOW - Posted by DavePA

Posted by DavePA on March 21, 2002 at 08:41:45:

Tom, if you have 10 days this really doesnt give you much time. BUT, if you want callers to start calling then go out buy 1000 sheets of bright “flourescent” stock paper, and print out flyers. I put on my flyer
as BIG as possible!!


pass these out in Walmart parking lots, Home Depots, anywhere there is ALOT of people parking their cars.
I have gotten some really good responses so far! You, figure for the paper it will cost $15-$20 the time to print them out at home and your time, and maybe some others helping you to pass them out.
Even if you get 1 deal from ALL those flyers, it will MORE than pay for your time and expense of the paper.

Good Luck, dave

Re: I need callers NOW - Posted by eric-fl

Posted by eric-fl on March 21, 2002 at 08:27:58:

It will be tough to find and close a deal in ten days starting from scratch, without any marketing already in the pipeline, so to speak. Yes, the gurus have done it, ala Robert Allen’s “Challenge”, etc., but those are the gurus who’ve done it a hundred times before. IMO, this should really be looked on as a business, which, like any other business, will take time to develop.

Having said all that, if you’ve just got to get a deal in the next 10 days, probably the two things I would do would be to make up some bandit signs, either with a marker and some corruplast from the craft store, or some laminated 8X11 on bright cardstock, or both. Put up as many as you can. You probably can’t get a business card order done soon enough, but if you have a computer with an inkjet printer, you could make up some “We Buy Houses” business cards from the business card stock available at the local office supply store. Leave those cards everywhere, in the bathroom at the restaurant, on top of payphones, on the counter at the bank, on the board at the mailboxes etc. and at the barber shop. You also probably cannot get flyers proofed and printed professionally and distributed all in ten days, but you could maybe do one on the computer, print it off, make 500 copies at the Kinko’s and distribute them yourself.

The second thing I’d do is buy a paper and start calling FSBO’S to inquire about sandwich l/o type deals, putting on my best “aw shucks” persona and asking people if I could rent the house out for a couple of years and then buy it once I got my money together, could that work out for them? And, here’s a hint, concentrate on condo’s and townhomes when calling, they are easier to buy, I’ve seen people come into my city for a weekend and pick up a couple of condo’s on l/o. Of course, they were experienced, but it can be done. Also, these are harder to resell, if at all via l/o, so the sellers get NO MONEY, it’s a true “nothing down” deal, or nothing at all. Still, if you can get them for just the monthly payment, chances are you could even just straight rent them out and maybe make a positive cash flow.

Re: I need callers NOW - Posted by Tom

Posted by Tom on March 21, 2002 at 10:38:14:

I’m already working on that. I made the mistake of using flourescent card stock though, and I have to baby sit it going through the printer. Left on it’s own, it jams every few sheets :frowning: