lease with option to buy - Posted by Tjh

Posted by Ed Garcia on July 13, 2002 at 11:38:08:


The right way can vary from investor to investor due to each individuals circumstances.
How I may suggest a purchase or structure a deal for one investor can be completely different from another. In answering the first part of your post, YES, a lease/option gives your control of the property.

As far as fix up and repairs, my answer is watch your numbers and always have more than one exit strategy.

As a new investor I want you to ALWAYS remember 2 things. (1) You make your money on the buy. (2) Cash-flow is paramount. In the event you don’t consummate a sale and you get stuck with the property, cash flow will not only help you whither a storm, but also make money through it.

Ed Garcia

lease with option to buy - Posted by Tjh

Posted by Tjh on July 12, 2002 at 18:39:52:

I am new at this and i am trying to get my first deal…It is a lease with option to buy. My idea was to go ahead and do this, and actually sell the house. If I understand this right this will give me control of the property, and therefore I can pretty much do any necessary repairs, and put the house on the market. Just want to know if I am doing this the right way. Thank You in advance.