Licking my chops - Posted by Eric(IL)

Posted by Tom (IL) on February 01, 2002 at 10:26:58:

Whereabouts in Illinois are you talking about?

Licking my chops - Posted by Eric(IL)

Posted by Eric(IL) on January 31, 2002 at 15:04:25:

I have a chance to get a MH for about $750 Mid 70’s 12x70 2bed 1 bath. The owner lives 5 hours away and has been paying lot rentand utilities for 6 months while vacant. I talked to the park (secretary) person that runs the office explained I buy and sell MH. She said, “Sorry we don’t do that we had some doing that a few years ago. They were just land lords you buy a MH you live in it you qualify with park app.”

I recently had a banckruptcy (June) so I don’t think they would qualify me. It would take a week and $40 to find out and I don’t plan on living there. I thought of offering the MH owner an option to buy it. How do I handle this in regards to flipping it. I need to replace the bathtub surround and fixtures and some ceiling paint where it leaked previously and it’s ready to go. Any Ideas? I need to talk with the owner again before the rent is due. I was hoping to get Lonnies Books today but maybe they will be here by the end of the week Thanks for your input.
Eric (IL)