PLEASE HELP- confused about l/o on multifamily - Posted by mike

Posted by Michael Morrongiello on March 04, 2002 at 16:30:25:

If you Master lease the property with an option to purchase the ENTIRE property then you would be responsible to keep the other 2 units leased, collect the rents, manage them, and forward your agreed upon ONE rental payment amount to the property owner…

The option the propety owner would give to you would allow you to lock in the terms and price of your future purchase should you decide to excercise your option to purchase the entire property in the future.

To your success,
Michael Morrongiello

PLEASE HELP- confused about l/o on multifamily - Posted by mike

Posted by mike on March 04, 2002 at 15:54:09:

Someone please help me understand this. If i were to lease option a 3 fmaily and live in one of the apartments, do i collect the other 2 rents or does this go to the seller? please help me understarnd this. thank you. mike