Re: Russ Whitney - Posted by Shannon Prothro

Posted by Belinda F. Bencsik on August 23, 1999 at 12:37:51:

Do you have any notes available that you could download to me? I cannot afford the cost of the bootcamp…
Thanks, Belinda

Re: Russ Whitney - Posted by Shannon Prothro

Posted by Shannon Prothro on February 24, 1999 at 18:10:49:

Hi. My husband and I just got home from a seminar and we’re wondering a few things—
After we get the books and tapes, will they really prepare us to buy and sell real estate?
Also, does anyone know where we could get this stuff cheaper? We noticed someone said they got a book from the library.
Help! We’re not sure if this is a investment or a sham.

Re: Russ Whitney - Posted by Keith

Posted by Keith on February 25, 1999 at 21:47:32:

I bought the tapes and coaching. The tapes are outdated as mentioned (1983 as “last year”). I’d run as fast as I can from anything with the Russ Whitney name on it. I think you can do better with the articles on this and related sites, and the courses offered through this site. As mentioned, the library is a good source (I’d bet Whitney’s book is there, read it for free!) I’d love to sell you my materials, to recoup some of my loss (cost of the course), but it would still be a rip off.

Re: Russ Whitney - Posted by Lorenzo,NC

Posted by Lorenzo,NC on February 25, 1999 at 16:18:36:

I have read Russ’s book, it was insightful but is seems like you have to spend mega bucks at boot camps to get the real meat of his teachings. I find spending a few $$ on courses like Legrand’s “Quick Cash” course or Bronchicks “Lease Option”, Kaiser has a great course also. Little courses lile those provide a wealth of info.

Just my 2 cents!!!

Re: Russ Whitney - Posted by Steven

Posted by Steven on February 25, 1999 at 08:50:51:

I also went to a Russ Whitny seminar a few weeks ago and I also came to this web site to do some reseach on that course before I put out those big bucks that he wants. And what I have found is this: Not one person who has been successfull with his methods!, also I talked to people who have attended his boot camps and have bought the course and they said that the material was so outdated that at one point he mentiond “last year” as being 1983. There is so much in the Archives on this site about Russ Whitny and its all negetive. So let me save you alot of troble because I have done the research myself. DONT BUY THE COURSE!.
I don’t mean to discourage you because what I have found on this site is real books and course on real estate investing by real people who are out there every day making money. Now thats exiting. And its almost all cheaper than what Russ wants for his trash. Personaly I have orderd a $13 book from by someone named Ron Legrand who I heard about throught this web site. You can also buy his courses on this site. If you have any questions just e-mail me at

Re: Russ Whitney - Posted by Steve H.

Posted by Steve H. on March 07, 1999 at 14:32:22:

Like your comment. Could you provide info on related sites. I enjoy this site emensely and would like to know of others. Thank You.

Steve H.

Russ Whitney… - Posted by Peter

Posted by Peter on February 26, 1999 at 21:25:30:

The boot camps are over priced! But I purchased the course for $89 and there was basic sound practical
good real estate information and ideas that helped
make me money!