Real-Estate Agent / Lease Option? - Posted by Jim H

Posted by Redline on June 16, 1999 at 13:43:06:

You can present a L/O offer to a RE salesperson, however you must know that most RE salespeople don’t get too psyched about these types of offers because:

  1. Alot of them don’t really know or understand them.
  2. They won’t get paid their commission now. They’ll have to wait until the option excercises further down the line … and what if it doesn’t get excercised? (** They may get a percentage of the first 12 months rent up front also, I don’t remember … I’m not sure my office has ever done one!) Either way - realtors like to get paid NOW not later.

I would suggest finding a realtor to work with that understands and accepts what you’re trying to do. This way when he/she presents these offers he/she can also explain them. Oh yeah, technically they have to present all offers from qualified buyers. Do they always? No. Do they have to? Yes. “Qualified buyers” being the key wording here.

Good luck,

Real-Estate Agent / Lease Option? - Posted by Jim H

Posted by Jim H on June 16, 1999 at 13:27:09:

How do you make a lease option offer when there is a real-estate agent involved? Would they be entitled to any compensation? Would they be required to approach the seller with such an offer? As you can see I’m a newbie. Thanks for any info. This board is great. I don’t know what I would do without it.