repo - Posted by cc

Posted by joe—ga. on December 28, 2000 at 21:35:26:

The day the house got moved off your lot,you lost any way of putting a lein on it . You should have written conseco a letter and started charging rent on your lot. With the home in place ,you had a lot better leverage to get money than you do now

repo - Posted by cc

Posted by cc on December 28, 2000 at 19:40:30:

I made a post about 2 months ago about a repo that was on a lot that I own. Conseco did move the house after turning my offers. I don’t know what they will do with the home now. I don’t think they will net anything near what they would have got if they had sold to me. However I think the manager took it personally when I told her sell today, move it or pay $14.00 a day storage. She had no monatery interest and I pi$$@d her off so what the H@%% if the company looses a few thousand dollars. They were able to get the house off the lot without paying me anything. I still might try to track the house down and put some kind of lien on it .