Rezoning! not enough space for mobile home?

I unfortunately had land with flag shaped rezoning last year with road on both side and it is corner lot OMG! The setbacks eat all the area which I dream to put a mobile home on it. Any suggestion to solve this problem will be appreciated. I should see CRE website before bought the lot :frowning:

It sounds as though you will need to take on the less than pleasant task of seeking a variance. This will require you to start what will likely be a long, tiring but highly educational task.

Start with the planning commission and perhaps zoning and get as much input and information as possible so as to best argue your case. There are no magic bullets but hopefully along the way you will run across other, similar cases (precedents) that you can use as well.

Thank you:)

Setbacks for corner lots are more onerous because of the road visibility issues. Hopefully you can get variances toward the other ownersโ€™ property lines. Alternatively, you may need to buy a strip of land from a neighbor to make it work.

Good luck,