Taking Action Steps

Just found CREOnline! Excited to get my account created, and reading the wealth of info in these forums!

Continual learning and education is something I value tremendously. I definitely invest substantial time (and money :money_mouth_face: ) into learning all things REI.

Challenge is this though. I continue to learn so much, but have a challenging time implementing ALL THE THINGS I learn! Marketing to sellers, sales & negotiation techniques, cold calling, making absurd amounts of offers; you know, ALL THE THINGS!!!

So to hold myself accountable today I’m taking action! I set up my CREOnline account and creating my first forum post! I’m also doing some assigned homework. Creating backlinks to my motivated seller site

Feel free to comment if you battle the same thing! How do you keep yourself accountable to take action? What action have you taken today?

Thanks for having me!