Eight Condos, is this the right structure, and how do I get the loan? (long) - Posted by Reif

Posted by Jeff - OK on May 13, 1999 at 21:45:19:

You should be able to do conventional financing using a Freddie Mac loan product, through a mortgage broker or bank. I believe they have an underwriting guideline limit of 9 non-owner occupied rental units financed conventionally, per borrower. Fannie Mae’s limit is less, I believe four units per borrower.

Eight Condos, is this the right structure, and how do I get the loan? (long) - Posted by Reif

Posted by Reif on May 13, 1999 at 17:02:18:

I have a lady who would like to sell all of her eight condos to one buyer. They are all free and clear, HOA is $135/month.

Six are occupied at $495/month, fair rent probably $525.

She and her husband are older, just want out of the landlording business.

She says she’ll take a small second, but will not take back a large chunk of paper, because she has “put a lot of years in the business and now I want to spend the money.”

She definitely would prefer to sell all eight to one buyer, and has not contacted a realtor yet because I am in the picture.

I’ve only got one comp so far from Dataquick, of 38K.

Seems to me I’m gonna have to get a conventional loan of some type, which means I have to come up with at least 55K (25%) cash, or I have to do 80-10-10, which is a higher interest rate (8%).

What I’m thinking:

$240K (30K/unit).

Sell one of the vacant units for a simultaneous close (30K net).

Let the seller take back a 12K second.

Deal looks like:

$168K first at 8% ($1233/mo)
$12K second to seller at 8% (Maybe - $88/mo)
7 x 135/mo (HOA) ($945/mo)
taxes ($175/mo)
10% vacancy ($367/mo)
Incidental expenses ($350/mo)

Total Expenses: $3158/mo.

Rents: $525 x 7= $3675/mo.

The numbers look pretty good . . . I figure the rents and deposits will cover the points on the loan. The big question remains . . . how do I get a loan for eight condos? This actually will look like eight separate deals unless someone has a better idea. I do not want a blanket mortgage.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



Re: Eight Condos, is this the right structure, and how do I get the loan? (long) - Posted by Skip (CA)

Posted by Skip (CA) on May 14, 1999 at 19:49:07:

Call Ed Garcia @(909)944-0199. It’ll be worth the cost
of the call!