in a down market? - Posted by derek

Posted by d.henderson on June 19, 2000 at 21:34:42:

Pop. 80 thousand? Derek, I live in a town of 8 thousand and I still do deals, one of our largest businesses closed down. The town still keeps trudging along. I’ve lived here a long while and whether good times or bad times people always need a place to live.
Be patient and get the best deals that you can find. You make your money going into a deal! If you keep looking for that wonderful deal you will start finding more and more. Just have faith, study and go after it!!
Good Luck,

in a down market? - Posted by derek

Posted by derek on June 19, 2000 at 20:31:44:

Hi, I live in British Columbia. The market in the town i’m in is pretty lousy right now. 1 in 4 mobiles will sell in a year, and houses aren’t doing so well right now either. But they’re selling about 1 out of every 2. Now, from what i’ve heard about mobiles in the past is that I shouldn’t go near them with a ten foot pole. After reading this site about them it has definately changed my mind, but, i’m still curious to find out if anyone out there lives in an economy like mine where everyone seems to be moving out of town and getting laid off work. The population here is approx 80 thousand. Can deals still be found in a market like this? I’m sure there are but I guess i’m just nervouse about buying one at a good deal and getting stuck with it. Any suggestions about a real estate market such as this? Thanks for reading this! Derek