Is this legal? - Posted by j.kingsley

Posted by Lonnie on March 18, 2001 at 20:13:17:

This was not posted by me, and it’s not my idea of a joke. If you can’t use your own name, find another hobby.


Is this legal? - Posted by j.kingsley

Posted by j.kingsley on March 12, 2001 at 23:47:35:

I have been trying to figure out a way to due deals in MN, however you need to be a dealer,agent,broker or park owner to sell. And for me to get my liscence to sell I would have to work as salesman for a dealer for 2 years then fill out all the paper work and then I MIGHT be granted a licsence. I may have found a way around this however. I found out that private in “in park sales” are allowed were the resident can sell his home. There is also a law stating the home can remain vacant for 90 days as long as rent is paid on the lot. My question is, can I be considered a resident if I own the home but don’t live in it? Would it be illegal to excercise my 90 vacant period as soon as I buy? I already called the state and recieved nothing but alot of silence and unsure statements. Any ideas?

Re: Is this legal? - Posted by mo money

Posted by mo money on March 18, 2001 at 24:38:52:

It might help to learn how to spell like a literate individual would…that’s license L-I-C-E-N-S-E!!!

Re: Is this legal? - Posted by Lonnie

Posted by Lonnie on March 18, 2001 at 19:43:54:

Why are you insulting him? You probably don’t have any money!
