LeGrand seminars Yes or No? - Posted by rich n CA.

Posted by ski on April 14, 2006 at 20:00:33:

Been there done that. If you get to a personal boot camp, not the cd type, I recommend it. Those camps were some of my first introductions to r/e. Have done VERY well using his teachings.

LeGrand seminars Yes or No? - Posted by rich n CA.

Posted by rich n CA. on April 14, 2006 at 13:06:00:

I have been contemplating attending Ron Legrands Bootcamps but have been somewhat put off by the price compared to the prices of different “Gurus” on this site. I realize my education is important but do I interpret quality as being represented in price?

Yes or No? That is your problem. - Posted by John Corey

Posted by John Corey on April 16, 2006 at 11:09:31:


A couple of observations.

Anyone who has been successful normally has one ore more seminars in their past. Maybe to start. Maybe later. Most successful RE investors know that acquiring ideas and meeting people is what happens at a seminar.

The average RE deal can produce more profit than almost any seminar costs. Hence if you take a seminar and then do a deal from what you have learned you will pay back some or all of the costs (I was thinking seminars under $5K so if you mean $50K then think more deals or a bigger deal).

I am not a LeGrand student and have never read his materials. I saw him for the first time at the CREOnline annual convention. What I can tell at a distance is most of his materials are similar to other folks. Either they copied him, he copied them or it just happens that there is not that much that is ‘unique’ to how people do deals. Hence if Ron’s costs are just not something you can ‘afford’ then see if there are other suppliers with materials priced at a level you can cover.

Ultimately it will come down to what you do and not where you learned it. You also have to get past your mental problem of quality and price being connected. Similar to people not understanding why a home can sell for 30% less than what is is ‘worth’.

One little tip.

Think of airline seat prices. Tell me there is a connection between the quality of the experience and the price when comparing seats in the same class of service. Given the range of prices it has to be more than just the quality of what is being delivered.

John Corey

PS. I tell people to start at the library and on free web sites. Then go to the book stores and read the books before buying. When you find authors you like consider spending more. Apply what you learn and let the business fund all the educational expenses so it costs you nothing out of pocket. Just like having a boss that sends the employee to training at the company’s expense.

Yes - Posted by Kawika_CA

Posted by Kawika_CA on April 15, 2006 at 01:57:51:

As someone else said, if he’s the one teaching and you’re expecting to learn from the master himself. Right now he only teaches MIS, Business, and Commercial Property bootcamps. All others are run by his B-Team.

I have lots of his stuff and been to several bootcamps. I’d recommend you get his cashflow courses on EBay. No more than $200 for all 3 (wholesale, lease-option, fsbo). Then decide if you need more training on the wholesale and basic formulas consider the ugly or pretty house bootcamps (not taught by him).

If you want advanced strategies and not specifically REI consider MIS. He does 2 per year and they’re great. 4 days with him is years of education elsewhere.

One word of caution about Ron. He’s blunt and doesn’t let anyone get away with excuses. If you like that kind of teaching he’s the best. If not, it will turn you off quick.

Re: LeGrand seminars Yes or No? - Posted by Todd-Ohio

Posted by Todd-Ohio on April 14, 2006 at 16:39:48:

Prior to attending, I would make sure LeGrand was personally teaching. If not, I would not pay the high price. If he’s personally teaching, and you can afford to go, you will likely not be disappointed.

His bootcamps and material are good and he has influenced, directly or indirectly, a lot of the “newer” gurus who are speaking now.

Re: LeGrand seminars Yes or No? - Posted by Sean

Posted by Sean on April 14, 2006 at 15:00:21:

Personally, I have several Legrand bootcamps, bought them on EBAY used, not from Legrand direct, and find them all to be worth the $$$.

Re: LeGrand seminars Yes or No? - Posted by Mike-OH

Posted by Mike-OH on April 14, 2006 at 14:46:16:

My vote is NO.
