Love CREOnline but.... Convention with the LAST dollar? - Posted by Shelva In Canada

Posted by Stacy (AZ) on February 12, 2000 at 12:27:45:

Been there, done that…


Love CREOnline but… Convention with the LAST dollar? - Posted by Shelva In Canada

Posted by Shelva In Canada on February 11, 2000 at 01:04:55:

Hello Fellow CREOnliners,

Since the deadline for booking the early bird special is 11th please help to decide?

Firstly as some of you know, I am still a newbie. Broke. With $15,000 on Credit cards and a J-O-B. Cannot get out of the JOB because of the debt and so on etc. The Frustrating Cycle. You know some of you have been there. I love reading the posts. Love to take action and did so. After buying Ron’s Fast Cash course. But in Vancouver Canada, it seems pretty tough so I am still learning. No properties yet. Bought the course 2 months ago.


  1. At this point in my learning stage HOW would attending the convention and ‘listening’ and ofcourse participating in round table workshops help for immediate Cash flow? What can I expect to learn / immediately apply from the seminar to increase my IMMEDIATE CASH FLOW?

  2. It will cost me around $1900 Canadian for the whole trip. With my existing debts, will it be advisable to save this cost and apply that in putting Ron’s material to action. (advertising costs etc). or rent a car for looking for properties (can’t afford to own a car).

  3. Will this be like another conference I have attended for other make money programs? What are the key differences?

  4. Is this seminar like Pump-up during the 3 days and when one comes home, back to normal - ‘impossible mind set’? Especially most of you are in US and most techniques are unique to US …like notes etc. some methods / techniques are not applicable in Canada like checking Tax records online etc for tracking owners …

5)I can only afford to be there. I cannot buy any materials for sale there. Will still be worth it if I don’t buy anything there or is it ‘assumed’ that to succeed one needs to buy something and go home with it. (this sometimes causes our mind to think that we are ‘missing’ something…just like if I don’t attend the seminar I cannot succeed!)

  1. Can’t I be a successful CRE without attending this seminar? That is, is this a NECESSITY?

I love to meet all of you there …and take action towards my dream?.my monetary resources are so limited and stretched that I need to think 100 times before I BORROW this $1900?

PLEASE help?!

Shelva In Canada

Thank You! Smart & Sincere Souls! - Posted by Shelva In Canada

Posted by Shelva In Canada on February 12, 2000 at 01:26:50:

Thank You from my Heart to the following contributors…

Bob Hanson In Hyde Park NY,
Sheila In Seattle,
Susan L,
and last but not least our Host Editor & Trend Setter J.P Vaughan

Thanks everyone for the sincere and EXTREMELY useful tips and advice which are very practical towards taking action. You are all on my HOTlist of people to meet & thank at the next year’s convention!

I was attempting to summarize each one your comments so to thank you each of you for the specific and multi-faceted advice which will be very useful for not just me but anyone reading the posts. In all fairness, it is best as you have written it.

One core point came across from all of your reply posting is that?..True Human Touch and Willingness to help and caring for fellow ‘earthlings’ DOES exist in this world.

Just a small comment…some emails I got seem to assume that I am a girl. Well, I am not. Not that it matters in anyway…but just make sure my ‘dubious’ name doesn’t confuse people.!

Thank you all?You have provided enough tips for me to decide. I will apply what I learnt with Ron and continue to learn from this site. So ?as Zig Ziglar used to say?“See You All At The Top!”

Shelva In Canada

Re: Love CREOnline but… Convention with the LAST dollar? - Posted by Bob Hanson

Posted by Bob Hanson on February 11, 2000 at 19:43:23:

We were all there once (at least most of us). Learn what you can here. It is an excellent resource with great people and above all a POSITIVE, COOPERATIVE
atmosphere. Do a deal or two this year and learn from them. Get help from someone in your area that is experienced and can help you grow and avoid the mistakes that they have made, a mentor can make a world of difference.
If you do this, by next year you will be asking youreself the same questions about the value of going, but you will have more CA$H and be able to absorb even more than you would have next year AND most importantly, you will be more comfortable about spending (a.k.a. “investing” the money in your education and growth. Perhaps sharing with another newbie to save on expenses would help when you are ready. This will be my first conference and since I committed to go, I can’t wait for the end of the month to come.
Just my opinion, we all have to make our own decisions and live with the rewards or consequences of those decisions. Good luck to you whichever way you decide to go.

Bob Hanson in Hyde Park, NY

Re: Love CREOnline but… Convention with the LAST dollar? - Posted by J.P. Vaughan

Posted by J.P. Vaughan on February 11, 2000 at 12:13:38:

Shelva, you emailed me and asked me to answer this
post, so here’s my response.

You are faced with the same dilemma that every investor
faces on every deal: Does the risk justify the reward?

Obviously, you have come up with a way to “finance” the
convention. The question is, will this additional debt
worsen your situation or improve it?

It will worsen your situation if you do not apply what
you’ve learned. The biggest benefit of our convention
is that you are exposed to many, many ideas from both
the speakers and from other attendees. You’ve had Ron
LeGrand’s course for two months and have not yet
applied it. Will you apply the knowledge you garner
from our convention? Only you can answer this question.

There are two main things you need to do to succeed in
this business:

  1. Find the knowledge you need, and then
  2. Apply it.

Part of “Apply It” includes finding solutions to the
problems slowing you down.

While our convention inspires and motivates many to
succeed, it is not a “rah, rah” event. We cannot drag
anyone across the finish line. You must do that

You can TAKE ACTION NOW toward your dreams
either with or without the convention. It’s up to you.

Best Wishes,

JP Vaughan

Re: Love CREOnline but… Convention with the LAST dollar? - Posted by Sheila–Seattle

Posted by Sheila–Seattle on February 11, 2000 at 12:04:17:

Your honesty does not go with out notice. I am a newbie as well and will not be attending. Of course I would love to but there are priorities…first I’d like to suggest; have you joined a local RE investment club - very helpful. I’m finding out there are many parts that play into being successful especially in an area like the northwest where the market is tough (listings get multiple bids up and close in less than 30 days of listing). Belief in self is paramount second only to a Plan. Have you created your 1 year,5 year etc., established a relationship with banker, title company, appraiser, located target neighborhoods or types of properties to invest in? The learning curve is steep - I’ve read CS book front to back several times and there’s a bit more to this then reading the newspaper and making calls. Success in this field is totally Possible! Good luck to you in Canada see you at next years convention.

Follow their advice. - Posted by SusanL.–FL

Posted by SusanL.–FL on February 11, 2000 at 11:12:14:

I am in a similar situation.

Under the circumstances, I would not recommend that you borrow the money to go either. There will be ‘other days’.

Keep on reading the posts, the various articles, the success stories. Keep studying Ron’s course. Buy other courses, if you are able. You will get there!

…and — Never give up!!


Re: Love CREOnline but… Convention with the LAST dollar? - Posted by Russell

Posted by Russell on February 11, 2000 at 09:53:17:


Under your circumstances, the last thing I would do is borrow more money - unless its for investing purposes and the payments are covered by investment income. At this point, I would put top priority on eliminating your credit card debt. Study and apply what you’ve learned from Ron’s course, this sight, the library, etc. Eliminate your debt on “depreciating” assets, then you’ll have $15,000 (or more?) credit that could be applied toward investing in appreciating assets. A couple of good deals should be enough to erase your debt, then you’re on your way.

Keep your dream in front of you and don’t be discouraged. You CAN accomplish whatever you decide you can if you have the passion (desire + emotion) to do it! Nothing can stop you unless YOU decide to stop. Write down your goals - look at them daily, and EVERY day do something toward their accomplishment. Be persistent, focus on your dream, and one day it won’t be just a dream.

should I stay or should I go - Posted by RR Smith

Posted by RR Smith on February 11, 2000 at 05:32:42:

Under your present conditions and considering that it will cost you a weeks pay to go, I would not borrow the money to go to Atlanta. There will be other conventions, I would not use this as a excuse to give up and would keep on trying and learning.