No Will(Texas) - Posted by Larbi Alui

Posted by Rob FL on January 18, 2001 at 13:42:54:

Although I don’t know Texas law, I am familiar with general probate law. Normally when there is no will, a probate proceeding must be filed with the courts. The court will them determine the heirs based on Texas inheritance laws.

No Will(Texas) - Posted by Larbi Alui

Posted by Larbi Alui on January 18, 2001 at 11:58:41:

I have a deal where owner passed away but left no Will(left 2 houses,both used by wife and children),his wife and 5 children(one is in prison) are in conflict of who owns what.They used the properties as colladeral to bond son from jail.Everybody signed bond papers,now bond is over and wife wants to sell one of the homes.She wants her children to sign papers of ownership back to her.The children do not want to sell.They went to different lawyers and they get different answers on who owns the homes.
Does the wife own all the properties even though they all signed the papers? or Does wife own 50% and children own 1/3 each?
I hope someone can help me with this question.Thank-you.