Regarding the illegality of fha wraps.. - Posted by Randy Jensen

Posted by David Alexander on March 27, 2001 at 24:44:41:

Start a new company… One where you control the policy.

When someone doesnt understand something there first remarks are “it is illegal”

David Alexander

Regarding the illegality of fha wraps… - Posted by Randy Jensen

Posted by Randy Jensen on March 27, 2001 at 24:21:33:

In regard to the interesting exchange we had a few days ago on illegal FHA wraps I submit the following.

  1. The HUD office in Denver says that they are illegal. This word is confusing though because HUD is a governmental agency with fiat power, and their regs carry the weight of law but I still cant find, nor can they find the particular statute that says illegal. Prohibited is more likely.

  2. Our corporate council says that the case law is vague, and there is no real precedent either way, and they dont want my company to be a test case, so dont do them.

  3. My company has made it company policy to do NO fha wraps, in concurrence with a colorado division of real estate morotorium on them. (Bronchik help us here)

  4. My personal opinion after extensively researching them is that they are ok, but I am precluded from them, because of company policy.
    All in all a very interesting exchange.

Randy J

Re: Regarding the illegality of fha wraps… - Posted by SueC

Posted by SueC on March 27, 2001 at 12:40:23:

They could mean “prohibited by the loan agreement”.