To: "Generating Coupons", etal. - Posted by Kathy

Posted by Kathy on April 17, 1999 at 19:06:02:

Thanks for your info! I really should have an automatic yearly rent increase. I’ve been raising less than 7% every THREE years, if at all. Everything else goes up and I’ve taken pity on one tenant in particular, but starting to think that I’ve got to start operating as a business, and not a charity.

Any other input on how often/how much you raise rents??

To: “Generating Coupons”, etal. - Posted by Kathy

Posted by Kathy on April 16, 1999 at 20:02:09:

A little behind, just read your post. Remember reading about coupon books somewhere, sometime, but promptly forgot.

Sounds like a winning idea. Do you send them to each renter just before the rent is due as a subtle reminder, or give them a book of 12 when they move in?

Any other ideas or suggestions about this would be appreciated!

Re: Rent Collection Techniques - Posted by Karl Grube

Posted by Karl Grube on April 17, 1999 at 18:44:48:

  1. I adjust all rents to become due on the first of the month. My rents are calculated on a daily basis
    for adjustment purposes. 2. I give each tenant 12 self-addressed/self-stamped envelopes. I provide a small discount for tenants who pay on time. 3. I automatically increase rents 7% on January 1st. 4.
    My security deposits are a different amount than monthly rent checks. … Landlording is a full time
    thought process! (kwg)