Tying 2 corporations for REI handlings sensible... - Posted by sbc

Posted by sbc on July 28, 2003 at 21:40:32:


Tying 2 corporations for REI handlings sensible… - Posted by sbc

Posted by sbc on July 28, 2003 at 16:54:33:

I would like to set up a LLC in my state to handle my REI dealings and have a Nevada C corp handle the capital and provide loans and other funding to the LLC. After the REI deals turn over profit, it would pay back the C corp for debt owed. Is this legitimate?

Additional (non-related) Questions :

  1. After you have incorporated, what percentage of courses and materials are considered tax deductible?

  2. Do you pay the courses and books out of pocket and the Inc reimburses you or just have the company pay for it?

Re: Tying 2 corporations for REI - Posted by DavidV

Posted by DavidV on July 29, 2003 at 01:34:14:

If you set up a Nevada C corp you will also have to register the C corp in your state as a “foreign entity”. You will have to pay the fees for both states then. As far as the tax benefits i don’t know enough to go there.

  1. I write off all courses through the corp.

  2. You want to pay corp. bills out of the corp. account. If someone ever sues you it would be harder for them to pierce the corp that way.